We all like saving money. But here’s the thing: money isn’t everything. The money we save should never come at the expense of how much joy we get out of life. After all, we only get one go-round on this big blue marble, and you certainly can’t take all that money you save with you.
This is why it pains us when people ask questions like “Where can I get cheap firewood in Chicago?” or “Where can I get wood for free?” We understand where these questions come from, but they’re often misguided.
Many people think all firewood is the same. So, they obsess over everything else for their camping trip and then grab some cheap firewood at a gas station on their way up. It all burns the same, right? So, they save a few bucks only to find themselves having a miserable time trying to get the fire going when they get there.
Perhaps you’ve had a similar experience. We’re sorry if you did, but the good news is you don’t have to settle for inferior wood anymore! A better, more luxurious experience awaits those willing to spend a little more to have much more fun!
This blog will help you avoid bad firewood and point you toward something superior. But before we dive in, feel free to check out our premium kiln-dried firewood in Chicagoland—it’s a much better alternative to cheap firewood in Chicago!
Are you ready to discover a better firewood experience than you ever thought possible? Great! Let’s begin.
1. High Moisture Content
Most people know you shouldn’t burn wood right after you chop it. We call this “green firewood,” and it often contains at least 60% moisture. This excess water in the wood prevents it from producing anything resembling a hot and pleasant flame. Instead, it’s challenging to light, and when it finally gets going, the black smoke and creosote are nasty on the eyes and lungs.
We’re not saying that most of the cheap firewood in Chicago is green. What we are saying is it’s not much better than green.
Traditional Air Drying Doesn’t Work
Many firewood suppliers and companies let their wood air dry to remove moisture. As you might imagine, this process (known as seasoning) takes a long time—sometimes months or years. The punchline of this lengthy process is that it doesn’t work very well.
Seasoning usually reduces the wood’s moisture content to between 20% and 30%. This amount is better than when it was green, but it’s still too moist for the best possible flames. The total moisture needs to be below 20% to achieve optimal performance. Anything above that, and you’re still choking on too much smoke as you struggle to light it.
How to Measure Firewood Moisture Content
So, how do you ensure your firewood is dry enough to not be a burden at your next bonfire?
One solution is to purchase a moisture meter at your local hardware store. This simple tool can be inserted into a piece of wood and quickly determines its moisture content.
Another indicator that your wood is moist is if it makes a dull thud when you slap two pieces together (dry wood will make a crisp clap, like a bat hitting a baseball). High-moisture firewood will also weigh more than well-dried logs. Of course, the best option is to purchase only kiln-dried firewood, which is guaranteed low moisture content.
Want to learn more about how to spot good firewood? Check out our complete firewood guide.
2. Invasive Pests, Mold and Fungus
You can take wood out of nature, but it’s hard to take nature out of wood. That’s why you’ll often find cheap firewood in Chicago that’s infested with bugs, mildew, fungal growth or all three.
For this reason, you’ll often hear people warning against transporting local firewood to other places. The concern is that the wood might carry invasive species that could kill trees in different parts of the country.
Of course, the concern with insects and mold isn’t just about protecting wildlife; it’s also about keeping the creepy crawlies out of your home. If you’re buying wood for your indoor fireplace, the last thing you want to do is bring a bunch of emerald ash borers with it!
So, how do you defend against pests that may come with the firewood you purchase? Unfortunately, if you buy seasoned firewood, you can never be 100% sure that bugs will not come along with it.
Still, you can be picky about who you purchase from. Only buy from companies that store their wood off the ground, away from trees and covered in an area with plenty of direct sunlight. Coincidentally, that’s also how we’d recommend storing it in your home to keep the insects and mildew away.

3. Using Bad Species for Burning
Stop! Before you make that purchase, we have an important question: Do you know what firewood species you’re purchasing? If the answer is no, you need to find out because not all types of wood burn the same.
There are two main categories of firewood: hardwood and softwood. Some examples of hardwood species are oak, hickory, birch and cherry. Common softwood species are pine, cedar and spruce. Ninety-nine times out of one hundred, hardwood will burn better than softwood.
This is because hardwood species are often denser and contain less resin than their softwood counterparts. So, if you’re looking for hot, robust flames and minimal smoke, steer clear of softwood and go with the hard stuff.
Unfortunately, not all local firewood providers clearly state what species of wood they sell. So, ensure you never purchase from a company that doesn’t tell you this.
4. Sellers with Dishonest Sales Tactics
There’s often a problematic reason local firewood prices are so cheap. Unfortunately, scammers will knowingly give you less than you’re paying for to increase their profit margins.
The good news is there are ways to spot these dishonest firewood sellers and keep your distance from them. Here are some standard dishonest sales practices to watch out for:
- The seller doesn’t give exact measurements for its cords or face cords.
- They don’t hand stack and measure the wood before sending it for delivery.
- Orders are measured by the size of the truck bed rather than the stack size.
- They insist on stacking the wood themselves when they deliver it.
- The seller uses crisscross stacking methods when stacking the wood.
All these tactics make it seem like you’re getting more wood when you’re getting less. You’ll never come across such shady behavior from a trustworthy firewood provider. Such a company will always be transparent about how they measure their stacks and will be fine with letting you stack and measure the wood for yourself.
So, always do your homework before buying from a local firewood dealer. Ask the company upfront about its order measuring practices. Ask trusted friends and neighbors who have purchased from the seller about their experiences. You can also get this information from customer reviews.
5. Lack of Cheap Firewood Near Me Delivery
The quality of the wood doesn’t matter if you have no way to get it to your home.
Some firewood companies don’t offer delivery. Others do but don’t have an extensive delivery radius because it’s too expensive for them to go that far. So, if you want wood from either of these companies, you’ll probably have to pick it up yourself. That extra gas money may make the cheap firewood not quite as cheap.
So, ensure getting your firewood isn’t an inconvenience by finding a seller who will deliver to your home.

There’s a Better Alternative to Cheap Firewood in Chicago
We don’t mean to discourage you by listing all these problems. Instead, we list them to help you understand that they’re defects rather than features of the firewood purchasing experience.
You don’t have to settle for all the bad stuff that comes with buying cheap firewood in Chicago. Instead, avoid all these problems by purchasing from a company that follows simple best practices.
First, the seller should kiln dry its firewood. Kiln-dried firewood takes the guesswork and risks out of drying firewood by baking for two days at over 200 degrees. Not only does doing this speed up the drying process, but it guarantees the wood will be below 20% moisture for the best burns. It also kills off all insects, mold and fungi.
So, that takes care of problems one and two. What about the others?
To ensure the wood will give you the hottest and longest-lasting flames, look for a dealer that only includes hardwood species like oak and hickory in its orders.
Finally, be sure the company is exact in its measurements and will deliver the wood exactly where you request it.
Such a company is worth buying from again and again because you’ll always get high-quality wood and excellent customer service.
Looking for a Better Local Firewood Seller?
As you can see, a more luxurious firewood experience in Chicago is possible. It just requires raising your standards and being more discerning about who you buy from.
The better firewood company we described above may sound too good to be true, but it isn’t! At Lumberjacks, we’ve delivered precisely measured kiln-dried hardwood throughout the Chicago region for nearly 30 years. Want to try our wood for yourself? Please call us to place your order!
Editor’s Note: This blog was originally published in August of 2022 and was updated in May of 2024.